Apart from representing the first name initials of the founding directors, it is also the Welsh name for goldfinch. There’s an old Welsh song that calls on the goldfinch (‘Anfon y Nico’) to carry the poet’s message to Wales, so we thought this was quite suitable for our line of work! (Also, did you know a flock of goldfinches is called a ‘charm’…? Enough said.)
Another pretty cool name for goldfinch in Welsh is ‘teiliwr Llundain’ which is the ‘London tailor’ – a reference to its fancy colours! As we all know, Welsh and English names for things don’t often correspond but you can count on Welsh names to be beautifully descriptive! Here are a few more examples:
Sgrech y Coed (Wood Screech) – Jay
Gylfinir (Long Beak) – Curlew
Glas y Dorlan (Riverbank Blue) – Kingfisher
Pioden y Môr (Sea Magpie) – Oystercatcher
So now you know the background to our name and logo! For more lovely examples of bird names – check out ‘Llyfr Adar Iolo Williams’! For more about Nico, see about us!